Support Us

Busking for one’s supper is a time honored tradition among musicians and artists alike. Like those that have traveled the road before us, we come to you hat in hand to ask for your random acts of generosity and extraordinary feats of support.

7s is currently raising funds to offset recording expenses and provide additional musician fees. At minimum, by reserving an album pre-order today you also help defray the costs of manufacturing vinyl LP’s and related goods for everyone like you. Help us deliver our music to the larger community by throwing a few bits or more in the hat.

If you make substantial gifts toward the project we have a number of thank you gifts for you as well:

If all of this seems too much, sleep on it, we'll be here tomorrow... but don't wait too long, after March 31st this fundraising campaign will end to ensure all names of Supporters who donated at the minimum $150.00 level and greater are added to the album liner notes of the double album pressing. And if you're still not sure, reach out to a friend and see if they might be interested in helping out chances are they'll want to support the project or know someone who does, and that's what its all about, that's the community we hope we can build together with you!

